Baptist Camp Lebanon and You


I am so excited for all that God has in store for the entire ABCNJ family including Baptist Camp Lebanon for 2012.  There is so much energy and excitement as we work together in new ways!  If you are like me then some of these new ways can be challenging, especially the ones centered around technology.  As many of my friends will attest, I can get tangled up in the power switch of my computer, but here I am plugging away to the best of my ability.  Don't let all of the new things coming at us all scare you, embrace them and we'll take this ride together.

This summer Camp Lebanon will be working with a new theme, "God's Olympics."  I am eager to work our olympic theme during an olympic summer.  I believe that it will present for us a new way of connecting a subject that most everyone can talk about easily with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I am also very "stoked" to have the opportunity, through a Palmer grant, to help our local ABC churches reach out to the young people outside of their very own churches.  I would also encourage you to look for Camp Lebanon's "Facebook" page and all of the videos we have been making since the summer of 2011.

Don't forget to check out Camp Lebanon's new and updated web-site at!  As always, if there is some way that I can be of assistance to you and your church as we minister together in the name of Jesus Christ, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your Servant, Smitty