Body Building in the Sertão

… to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up … (Ephesians 4:11-12)

Encouraging Pastors and Churches

Malhada, Agrovila 23, Feira da Mata, Iuiú, Pitarana. All of these small towns in Brazil’s semi-arid sertão have in common long, dusty dirt roads, isolation and a local Baptist church. On a recent mission trip to this area we visited these churches and pastors. Everyone expressed gratitude that we took the time to come all the way from Brasília to encourage them. They live and serve in a thirsty land where nothing comes easily, but they persevere and rejoice as they see God’s Spirit at work.


Holistic Evangelism

We also offered a 2-day training in the principles and practices of

holistic evangelism. The 45 participants enjoyed the presentations, small group work, and skits. We dealt with important questions like: Why does the church exist? What is the gospel? What does is mean to be “the Body of Christ” in the world? What is poverty? How do I mobilize the whole church for the whole mission of God? How can we learn about our community’s resources and needs so that we can respond with Jesus’ love?We are excited that folks left with a new vision for what it means to share in word and deed the good news that the kingly reign of God is present in their communities.

Thanks for going on this trip with us - we really couldn’t have done it without your prayer and financial support! Please pray with us that God would use us at the following upcoming events:

  • National leadership training for young adult leaders from around the country, early November
  • Holistic evangelism training and pastoral visits in the sertão of Pernambuco and Bahia states, late Nov - early Dec