Environmental Change and the Poor: A New Resource


Dr. Spitzer would like to commend to you the attached report, "Loving the Least of These: Addressing a Changing Environment" by Dr. Dorothy Boorse, of Gordon College. Published by the National Association of Evangelicals, this report is an excellent balance of theology, sound science and practical concern.

The report has four parts:

  1. A straightforward Biblical affirmation of the need to address environmental change and to express compassion for the poor,
  2. A user-friendly overview of scientific considerations related to environmental changes our planet is facing,
  3. A strong affirmation of how climate change disproportionately impacts the poor and their quality of life, and
  4. Balanced and practical suggestions on how the church and its members can address such issues.

This report would serve well as a congregational resource.

Click here to read the article on the Associated Baptist Press.

Report File