Great Start for ABCNJ Academy


[youtube src=]The ABCNJ Academy got off to a great start in its new program format!  We had 59 people in the Pastors’ Track at the COAL training events.  Dr. Ron Sider from Palmer Theological Seminary led us in learning how to approach politics and create a political theory with a foundation of a Biblical theology joined to an economic and political study.  He then showed us how to apply such a political theory to a current practical problem using the national deficit as an example.  There was a considerable amount of questions and discussions after each segment of Dr. Sider’s teaching.  This teaching can be found in fuller detail in his books with special emphasis from The Scandal of Evangelical Politics.  Later in the afternoon, Dr. Sider gave a plenary talk on how to have a wholistic ministry outreach for churches that combines evangelism with social justice issues.  This was an abbreviated sharing from his book Churches that Make a Difference and was well received.   Thanks Ron for the fruit of your many years of work! Looking ahead the Academy is sponsoring a pair of Together in Ministry Groups that start soon.  These groups will involve pastors in looking at the Sermon on the Mount inductively.   The presenters for this three week study are Wes Allen, pastor at Palmyra, Dr. Stan Slade from International Ministries and Dr. Brash from Palmer Theological Seminary.  It looks like it will be a great opportunity to work inductively in some Biblical Studies.  Contact the regional office to see if there are any more openings.

There will be another Pastor’s Track continuing education event on Friday afternoon preceding the evening worship of Annual Session at Lincoln Gardens.  The direction for this event will be in the field of ethics with a set of presentations by a panel including Dr. Adelikan from Palmer Theological Seminary.  Watch for more details and plan on taking advantage of these rich opportunities for continuing Education provided by ABCNJ!

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