Honoring Our Roots

Last week I posted an article on Camp Lebanon"s "public" Facebook page at: Camp Lebanon - Public to honor the memory of Rev. Dr. J. Norman Martin.  Dr. Martin "Pa" was very instrumental in finding the Blossom Hill property for Camp Lebanon.  He also became the Director of the camp for 19 years"  I urge you to follow the link to Facebook and share some of your memories.  Below, you can read the article: I have been encouraged to Honor The Rev. Dr. J. Norman "Pa" Martin. To be honest with you, I never knew "Pa" and there is not a lot of history in the Camp Lebanon files to share. What I do have is a historical record of dates, positions, purchases and more. As I share some of the facts with you, I would encourage all of you to share what is not in print. Share your stories and memories of a man that was led by God to this "Holy" ground we call Camp Lebanon.

Rev.Dr. J. Norman Martin lived from 1902 to 1985. In 1943 Rev. Dr. Martin was appointed to the position of Director of Education and Evangelism by the New Jersey Baptist Convention. In 1944 The New Jersey Baptist Convention formed a Camp Search Committee consisting of seven people including Rev. Martin. From 1944 to 1949 to committee had visited seventy-seven properties looking for the right spot for their camp and conference site.

When they visited the Blossom Hill Farms Estate in 1949 they knew they were home! 20160226_102235After a Memorial Day dedication service in 1950, a minor miracle was pulled off to hold the first summer session that first summer. Stanley Holcombe of New Market Baptist Church and Paul Goebel, the first Camp Superintendent, were given much praise for their tireless work to get water and electricity for bathrooms and the dining-hall. Dr. Martin, of course, was named the first Director of Camp Lebanon, a position that he held for 19 years! In those 19 years he helped to guide many, many young people to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. I also know that he helped many young people become better adults and to grow in maturity and strength.