Hurricane Sandy: Be Prepared!


To all my ABCNJ friends: ABCNJ is tracking responses to Hurricane Sandy as it approaches NJ. We are using our Facebook page to track church closings, evacuations orders, flood news, etc. If you are not yet a member of our Facebook Community, join now!

Jeff Dromeshauser from Sovereign Insurance, who is the broker of our property insurance, has provided us with an Emergency Check list. He states: "With Hurricane Sandy projected to impact the eastern coast of the U.S. the week of October 29th, the ABCNJ has some proactive measures you can take to help mitigate potential losses. When preparing for a possible windstorm or rainstorm, don't be led into a false sense of security. Use these checklists to minimize your facility's exposures. Instituting the attached precautions, before, during, and after a severe windstorm, rainstorm, tornado, or hurricane can help mitigate the severity of the loss as well as enhance the overall safety of the facility."

Click this link to download the document:  Windstorm Flood Loss Control

Stay safe and help others!


Yours in Christ,

Dr. Lee Spitzer, ABCNJ Executive Minister and Senior Regional Pastor