Imani Baptist in East Orange Seeks a Youth Minister

Imani Baptist Church of Christ, Inc. 113-115 Elmwood Avenue, East Orange, New Jersey 07018

Tel: 973.678.7222 Fax: 973.678.1919

Youth Minister - Job Description


To direct, create and lead programming for teens and young Adults; the Youth Minister shall encourage growth in our Christian community through the building of relationships with our young people that strengthen their commitment to the church and growth in their faith for Jesus Christ.


Subject to review and oversight of the Senior Pastor and the Board of Christian Education, the Youth Minister shall.

  1. 1. Provide leadership for and function as the primary staff person relating to the Youth and Young Adult Ministry.
  2. 2. Oversee the recruitment and training of adult volunteers to work with the different age groups.
  3. 3. Plan and implement age appropriate activities for youth that promote community through fellowship, fun and faith development. Such activities might include; musicals and dramatic presentations, small group Bible study, retreats, etc.
  4. 4. Coordinate fund-raising activities that support special youth activities and trips.
  5. 5. Promote Christian service through age appropriate service projects.


  • • Attend staff meetings when required, including meetings of the Board of Christian Education
  • • Coordinate youth activities with other ministries of the congregation when required.
  • • Provide a timely and accurate schedule of Youth activities. Keep the congregation informed of youth events by coordinating the publicity for youth activities through the appropriate vehicles provided by the church, (special mailings, posters, bulletin announcements, web page, etc.)
  • • Provide monthly reports for the Board of Christian Education and for the quarterly Official Ministry and quarterly church meetings.
  • • Manage the disbursement of budgeted funds for Youth Ministry within the guidelines of the approved budget and in adherence with the purchasing policies of the church.
  • • Provide for the keeping of administrative records of the Youth Ministry.
  • • Participate in worship services and officiate when requested
  • • Encourage our young people to participate in all facets of the life of the community of faith, including worship, choirs, educational opportunities, youth activities, Bible studies, vacation Bible School and service projects, etc.
  • • Refer prospective families for membership and unusual circumstances where follow-up is desirable to the pastor.
  • • Assist the Pastor and Confirmation Ministry in confirmation instructions as requested.
  • • Attend Sunday school, worship services, and other events of church.
  • • Continue growth and development through conferences, reading, and exchanges of ideas with others.
  • • Maintain some regularly scheduled hours in order to be accessible to youth, parents, staff and the leadership of the congregation.
  • • Notify the staff prior to all unforeseen and untimely absences from regularly scheduled events, and provide a suitable substitute (if necessary) in the case of anticipated absence.
  • • In the case of extended time away from the office arrange to receive messages.
  • • Be familiar with and operate within the guidelines set forth in the church’s Constitution & By-Laws.
  • • Office, phone, computer, voice mail, email, Internet services, duplicating and secretarial support will be provided by the church for work related to this position.
  • • Senior Pastor and Board of Christian Education must approve continuing education.


Since the Youth Minister plays a major role in the faith development of the younger members of the church, both as a leader, and as an example, Imani Baptist Church seeks a professional leader who has a solid understanding of the foundations of the Christian faith, Baptist tradition and who has a strong desire to nurture young people in the Christian faith. We seek a person who will generate new ideas and programs as well as a person who values a team concept of ministry. Therefore the following qualifications are desirable.

  • • Must be a seminary student or at least, a student with college credits in Theology, Christian Education, or Youth Ministry. A thorough understanding of Bible is essential.
  • • The ability to work with adults of other Ministries.
  • • Good organizational skills.
  • • Experience preferred in an established successful youth program.
  • • Must be sensitive to needs and pressures of young adults and teens
  • • Must be able to teach, train, and disciple young adults and teens.
  • • Must be able to exercise initiative and judgment as an independent worker.
  • • Must be able to respond to changing needs throughout the daily and weekly schedule
  • • Meeting the 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and 1 Peter 5 qualifications for church leaders