“It’s a New Day for Us!”

While we were washing each others’ feet, God made it clear to me that this event marks the beginning of a new day for us. Thank you for challenging us to be servant leaders

Pastora Marizeth spoke the above quote at the end of the 3-day retreat held in northern Brazil. She had invited us to lead a training for two state conventions in her region: Pará and Amapá. We offer this as Coordinators of the National Convention’s leadership and ministry development program called SEDELIM (Secretaria de Desenvolvimento de Liderança e Ministérios). It was a grand gathering of over 70 leaders of the state convention, the pastors’ council, the Baptist women, the Baptist men, JUBAN (youth and young adults) and several churches.

A team building exercise on communication!

Participants reflected on a number of essential leadership topics including:

  • The profile of a Christian servant-leader: the biblical model for Christian leadership, the attitudes of a Christian leader, and the spiritual life of the leader;
  • The roles of Christian leadership: envisioning, planning, implementing, caring for people, and evaluating results;
  • Two essential leadership tools: delegating and conducting a meeting

The highlight of the retreat for many was the closing worship service that included a foot washing ceremony inspired by the story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet in John 13. These leaders experienced the meaning of Jesus' words about servant leadership: “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. … Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”

You are also called to be a leader in many different situations. Among all the examples and models of leadership promoted today, whose do you follow? What kind of leader are you? May we all be more faithful imitators of Jesus in the way we interact with others - as both leaders and followers.