Join Us on the Journey!


Bom dia, Selamat pagi, Mingala Ba (Good morning in Portuguese, Bahasa Indonesia and Burmese) Do you ever wonder about the next journey God is preparing for you? About 6 months ago the picture slowly began coming into focus for us, and the final piece fell into place just a couple of weeks ago when we were in Indonesia (more on that in our next update!). We are scheduled to

We participated in exhilarating discussions and prayer with Indonesian Baptist Union leaders thanks to a brand new partnership with IM.

leave Brazil to begin our US/PR Assignment in August, so this was an important answer to prayer. Here’s what has come together.

After 4 months in the US, we will begin a new journey as regional missionaries in Southeast Asia. This is a major change for us, as you can imagine. Leaving our friends, family, and ministry in Brazil after 11 years here will be heart wrenching. At the same time, we praise God for the opportunity to work with IM partners in Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines to provide training in servant leadership, integral mission, cross cultural mission skills, and economic development. The piece that just fell into place is that Bruce was accepted into a PhD program at Massey University in New Zealand, where he’ll study social entrepreneurship in faith-based organizations in Asia.

In the meantime, we are feeling both excited and a bit overwhelmed by all the events on the horizon here in Brazil. This weekend we’ll facilitate a strategic planning retreat for national Baptist Women leaders .Then we have two trips to Mato Grosso and Rondônia states to conduct servant leadership training for Baptist men, women, and young adult leaders. In between those trainings, we’ll lead an Integral Mission empowerment workshop for pastors and leaders in Rio Grande do Norte state.

Friends, we just received word of IM’s Spring Matching Gift Opportunity - a program that doubles any new or increased gifts toward support of any IM missionary between April 15 and June 15. So if you give $100, it automatically becomes $200. Your gifts make a huge difference to us!  Be sure to mark your gift “Matching Gift for Borquist support.” You can give online, by phone (800-ABC-3USA) or by mail if postmarked no later than June 15, 2015.    To give online, follow this link.