Moving forward!


Growing in Christ

We’re off to a roaring start! The national gathering of pastors and spouses we attended several weeks ago drew over 600 participants and allowed us to make initial contacts with many pastors as well as the national leaders of the women’s, men’s, and young adult ministries. We are now working with them to prepare regional and national training events that will help people grow in Christ and put their faith into practice.

Disaster preparedness and response

“Hurry to the window honey, the waters are rising quickly!” The pastor and his wife scrambled through their kitchen window to escape rising flood waters during torrential rains in Rio de Janeiro earlier this year. Until now, the Convention has had no organized way to provide assistance to churches or families that have lost loved ones, homes, or possessions due to floods and monstrous landslides. We are gathering ideas from colleagues in the Philippines, Chile, Japan, Haiti, and the U.S. in order to design Projeto Mateus 25: Seja Preparado (The Matthew 25 Project: Be Prepared).

Pela graça de Deus (by God’s grace)

We are touched and deeply encouraged by your generous support. Thanks to many of you who gave “above and beyond,” we are just above the 90% financial support level International Ministries has required that all missionaries reach by September 30. In January, we were at only 74% and wondering if we would be allowed to return to Brazil - so this is an amazing victory! God is good!