On the move!


Almost daily we receive messages from friends and colleagues in Brazil saying, “Glória a Deus que vocês voltarão ao Brasil em maio - que saudade!” (“Praise God that you will return to Brazil in May - we miss you!”). But a lot still has to happen between now and May!

An Extraordinary opportunity to minister in Southeast Asia in March

We are excited about invitations from partners in Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam to lead week-long trainings for them in March: •    At Payap University in Chiang Mai, Thailand, we’ll teach an intensive course called “Social Entrepreneurship for Church and NGO Leaders.” •    For the Myanmar Baptist Convention in Yangon, Myanmar we’ll teach a seminar on “Mobilizing the Whole Church for the Whole Mission of God”

•    In Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam we’ll teach an intensive course on “World Religions” for pastors of the Vietnam Baptist Convention.

Do you have some good materials or a good syllabus on any of these topics (social entrepreneurship, mission mobilization or world religions)? We’d love to hear from you!

Back to Brazil in May? - Yes, with your help

We are preparing to return to Brazil in May - and that’s only a couple of months away! We have already been invited back by our partners in Brazil and have now received medical clearance to return. So at this point, only one piece of the puzzle is missing. We have yet to reach the financial support-raising goal set by International Ministries, and the rule is ‘no goal, no go.’

February and March are therefore key months for churches and individuals who want to be part of the team that keeps us serving in Brazil.

Thank you for all you do to support God’s work here, there and everywhere!