Storm Updates From Camp Lebanon

One week after Hurricane Sandy ran through New Jersey and Camp Lebanon, our good friends from the American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware (ABCOPAD) came to help out!  Pictured to the left is the Regional Executive Pastor of ABCOPAD.   Frank was accompanied by two other staffers, Rev. Mark Mahserjian-Smith and his son Luke as well as  Rev. Kevin Walden.  Our ABCOPAD friends did not come alone, early on Tuesday morning a van from the First Baptist Church of Bethlehem pulled in with their Senior Pastor, Rev. Dale Miller and four members of the church.  After a long day of cutting trees and branches and hauling them to the woods our friends from First Baptist left.  Frank and his crew worked into Tuesday helping to clear the way!  To date their has been almost 300 hours spent on storm cleanup alone! While we have lost enough trees to keep us busy for years to come, we were very blessed that the major building damage was limited to losing our two main barn doors and two windows.