Up in the air with Stan Slade today


Hi from Dulles International Airport! After an early-morning drive from home, I'm about to get on the plane for Ethiopia, where the 9th Annual BereanSafari International Leadership Institute will be held.  The picture above shows many of the participants in last year's BereanSafari, held in Machakos, Kenya.  In Machakos, Yonas and Mariam, two of our veteran participants from Ethiopia, invited all of us to enjoy Ethiopian hospitality in 2015.

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So, I am excited to be on the way to Ethiopia this morning.  After arriving in Addis Ababa on Sunday morning, we will drive south to Lake Awasa to join an enthusiastic group of disciples from East Africa and beyond, dedicated to diving into Scripture and to serving the Kingdom of God.  It is an immense joy and privilege to be able to join these servants of God each year.  As the Lord uses me to help them grow in Christ and in effective service, the Lord uses them to help me do the same.  Thank you, Jesus!And, Thank YOU!!  Your prayers, encouragement and financial support make this ministry possible.  I wish you could be with me in Awasa this week to watch God at work, and to be inspired just as I am inspired by these amazing sisters and brothers.  In fact, I would be delighted to have you join me at BereanSafari sometime!  In the meantime, though, I will try to take some photos and videos and share them with you!

Again, thanks for your partnership in the gospel!

May the Lord bless you today, and make you a blessing to others, wherever this day may find you!

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