What's Hanging Above Your Head


What a winter! Earlier this week, while I was chipping ice at home, I began to hear the sound of cracking wood. I looked around until I found a tree beside my house with a very large crack emanating down from a fork in the tree.  As the larger portion of the tree was hanging over my house (and electric lines), there was only one thing to do. I got was what was literally hanging over my head removed!  One phone call to a friend who works for a local tree company and this hanging tree was removed.  Thank you Rich!

I wish all it would take was one phone call to end this long, long winter.  Ok, that will not happen, at least with the contacts I have in my phone.  So we deal with winter and all that it brings to Camp Lebanon.  We plowed the grounds to Martin Village (Village 1) so a rental group could do some winter retreating.  Plowing the fields was a first for us. Sadly, getting the plow-truck stuck is not.  Our daily routine has become – plowing, shoveling, and chipping ice.  When we add in frozen pipes, stuck trucks, and equipment not wanting to run in the extreme cold temperatures we've realized each day brings new (and sometimes original) problems with which we must deal.  Again, what a winter!

Even in the middle of this tough winter, I find myself looking towards the nicer weather! With a busy summer coming I'll soon be wondering where all our time went – we've got a lot of preparations do to!  Hiring staff, writing curriculum, preparing programing, interviewing potential staff and volunteers and so much more!  There's a lot more hanging over my head than some branches!

I wouldn't change it for the world, we are looking forward to a great 2015 camping season!