Rev. Dr. Luciano Marquez – Latino Ministries
Rev. Dr. Luciano Marquez
As Associate Regional Pastor for Latino Ministries with American Baptist Churches of New Jersey, Rev. Dr. Luciano Marquez has been serving as Latino Area Minister from 2004 to the present. He has pastored the First Baptist Church of New Brunswick since 1996. From 1974-1996, he served as a pastor in various Baptist churches in Cuba.
About ABCNJ Latino Ministries
ABCNJ’s Latino Ministries coordinates the state-wide fellowship, work and mission for the region’s Spanish and Portuguese language Baptist churches. Today, there are almost 50 ABCNJ Latino churches and missions in New Jersey and Florida. These churches and their leaders cooperate in many exciting ways, including the yearly May Concentracion and Fall Workshop days, mission trips, and pastors, women’s, men’s and youth organizations.