Wanna Know a Secret?

FBC Allentown Serves Great Soup

FBC Allentown Serves Great Soup

First Baptist Church of Allentown, has been working toward a goal…a $10,000 pledge for the Cedars of Lebanon Campaign. The church was nervous, even fearful, that our little church might not be able to fulfill our pledge over the seven year period from 2014 through 2020. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise!

On Souper Saturday, February 25, 2017, we will exceed our goal of $10,000 (in just four years) and give thanks to God for this success! Please join us on this date (10:00 am to 3:00 pm) as we praise God for this dream come true.

Why? Because we prayed every year that we might succeed, so that Baptist Camp Lebanon would be able to welcome more and more children, teens and adults to spend time together with God at Baptist Camp Lebanon. We wanted to contribute to the wonderful mission of Baptist Camp Lebanon because their work is effective, and FBC Allentown has benefited directly from the mission work of the camp. We are sure that many other churches have benefited over the years as well. We want to encourage other small churches to re-consider what might be done in hope, in faith, and by trusting in God. Our church now has greater confidence that we can take on greater challenges and succeed, if we ask God for the blessing we need. Prayer works!

So, do you like great soups on a cold winter day? We will have 10 -12 different soup varieties, and two or three varieties of chili available on Souper Saturday for you to sample, to eat with us in Allentown or you can take home a quart of your favorite, or several pints of different kinds. We will have a Tricky Tray Auction, Crafters and Vendors, and a great time socializing with our friends from the community and our ABCNJ family.

Don’t miss this exciting day of thanksgiving and celebration!