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Many Hats, New Year

The New Year has begun, and we are looking forward to many new opportunities to serve God and God’s people in the coming year. We wear many “hats” in our new role as missionaries serving Baptist partners in the Asia Pacific region. Below are a few that we wore recently, and will be putting on again in 2017.

Social entrepreneurship training through Samaritana Transformation Ministries in the Philippines.

At the invitation of colleagues Thelma and Jonathan Nambu, we offered a training in social entrepreneurship for leaders of several organisations that work with women escaping from prostitution. They all have livelihood programs to help women develop other ways to support their families, but the organisations want to be more self-sustaining themselves. Thanks to Bruce’s doctoral research in faith-based social entrepreneurship, he is able to help them find ways to apply tools of business in the service of God’s call to empower at-risk women.

Supporting strategic planning and a mission conference of the Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches (CPBC).

Our recent trip to the Philippines gave us the chance to reconnect with friends and colleagues at the CPBC and its schools and hospitals. It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years since we served there! Now that we are living in the region, Convention leaders have invited us to assist in their strategic planning process as well as their first regional mission conference in Hong Kong.

Reinvigorating worship close to home.

We’re working with the members of a NZ Baptist church’s worship ministry to help them apply the appreciative inquiry method to understand their role in the church’s health and faithfulness. We’ll return in February to facilitate a reflection and planning retreat with their leadership teams.

These are just a few of the ministries YOU are involved in as you walk with us. We wouldn’t be able to support Baptist convention leaders and churches in the Asia Pacific region without you supporting us through your prayers, emails, cards and financial gifts to IM.

As you walk, saunter, or run into the new journey of 2017, may you meet God in surprising ways. When you do, we’d love to hear about it!

Tau Hou Hari (Happy New Year in the Maori language of New Zealand),

Don't forget to visit our page on International Ministries' site.

Rachael’s Reflections

 Note: Rachael Wilford is Communication Coordinator for our Missionary Partnership Team.

Now that the hustle and bustle of preparations and parties are over, let us join the wise men who travelled far to greet baby Jesus, God's most perfect gift for humanity.

Let us also remember those who are serving around the world sharing the good news of Jesus as they work alongside our sisters & brothers in Christ in other nations (our missionaries). As you enjoy your gifts and begin the new year, please remember to support the ministry of all our International Ministries missionaries, including Ann & Bruce, so that they can continue the great work God has called them to.

Selamat Tahun Baru untukmu (Indonesian)

Malipayon nga Bag-ong Tuig (Ilonggo, Philippines)

Feliz Ano Novo (Portuguese)

S̄wạs̄dī pī h̄ım̀ (Thai)

Chúc mừng năm mới (Vietnamese)

Pyawshwinhpwal nhaitsait (Myanmar)

Happy New Year!