Annual Session's Early Bird Deadline is Coming

Registration for our 2017 ABCNJ Academy and Annual Session is in full swing, and we don’t want any of our family to miss out on the special Early Bird rates! Registrations received before August 15 can save up to $20 for each attendee. To find out your specific savings, refer to flyers attached to this letter. An early head count also helps the region save money because it makes the guaranteed head count we give to the event venue as accurate as possible. Register today!

Academy at Annual Session

The ABCNJ Pastors Academy on Friday, September 22, 2017 will afford an opportunity for our pastors to engage with representatives from ABCNJ’s international and domestic partners. Each will address our theme, “Impacting New Jersey and the World,” while exploring the missional impact of ABCNJ local and global presence. Our partners from ABC International Ministries, the Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board, and in theological education will help us address this critical question: “How can we as pastors grow in missional thinking and practice so we can continue to lead our churches into more effective kingdom work for our day and time?” David Fitch from Northern seminary, one of the key missional theologians of our time, will close our time together.

That evening, we will gather around for a wonderful seaside dinner at the Ocean Place Resort and Spa. In this lovely venue we will usher in the Annual Session and hear our international guest and Annual Session plenary speaker, the Rev. Dr. Jerson Narciso. Jerson is the General Secretary of the Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches, and he will share a conversational testimony about the deep partnership between ABCNJ and CPBC. This dinner is not included in the standard Academy registration, please refer to the attached flyers to see which packages include
this meal.

2017 ABCNJ Annual Session

Under the banner “Impacting New Jersey and the World”, ABCNJ will celebrate how both our congregations and pastors continue to grow in mission and spiritual health and faithfulness. Our broad and varied mission partnerships put us in the forefront of God’s work in the 21st Century! As we celebrate, our distinguished plenary speakers and mission partners will challenge us to grow deeper and more passionate in our missional witness in our state, our nation, and around the world.

Come and represent your church! Take home not only inspiration, but new insights for ministry and mission you can immediately put into practice in your respective ministry settings.

I look forward to seeing all of you on September 22-23, 2017, as we gather joyfully together to worship God, give thanks for Christ’s call to us to “Follow Him”, and be inspired anew by the Holy Spirit’s irrepressible urging for us to be the faithful presence of Christ in the world!