Deadline for ABCNJ New Executive Minister Search Extended

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The search committee for the next American Baptist Churches of New Jersey Executive Minister has extended the application deadline to April 17, 2018 to account for the busy Lent and Holy Week preparations leading up to the previous deadline. 

The Executive Minister serves as the Regional Pastor, Chief Executive Officer, and as a Regional Secretary of American Baptist Churches USA.

Required Qualifications And Background

  1. Displays an unyielding commitment to Jesus Christ and evidences a growing love of God and neighbor. 
  2. Holds a recognized ABC ordination, and an expressed commitment to the ministerial code of ethics.
  3. Has earned at least a Master of Divinity Degree from a fully accredited school of divinity/theology (Doctorate preferred). 
  4. Possesses significant pastoral experience in a local congregation.
  5. Demonstrates an escalating track record of leadership within the life of the American Baptist family. 
  6. Shows an unwavering commitment to the mission and ministries of American Baptist Churches, USA.

Anticipated Characteristics

  1. An impeccable record of honesty, integrity, and transparency in one’s leadership roles. 
  2. A passion for ministry that radiates to other partners, peers, and ministry associates.
  3. An ability to express one’s call to this particular role and location of ministry.
  4. A desire to be a servant leader in an ever expanding organization.
  5. A contagious joy and love for ministering with others. 
  6. A proven history of thriving in and across multicultural environments. 
  7. Comfortability with one’s own theology, while maintaining the ability to listen to a wide variety of viewpoints on controversial issues. 

Desired Skills And Competencies

  1. Ability to build and sustain quality relationships with a diverse constituency including board members, pastors, congregational leaders, and mission partners.
  2. Outstanding interpersonal skills that include listening, approachability, humility, and team development.
  3. Proven history of increasing donor bases and funding an expanding ministry through giving, donations, and grants. 
  4. Capacity to gather input and envision a future together that builds upon the hopes and dreams of the constituency. 
  5. Excellent technical skills that can be applied to documents, files, communication, etc. 
  6. History of offering high energy leadership to complex environments.

Critical Leadership Tasks

  1. Build upon a healthy board/staff relationship by exploring new avenues of witness and ministry together.
  2. Motivate and engage an increasingly diverse constituency toward a common mission. 
  3. Increase creative and adaptive solutions to systemic ministry challenges that include declining congregations, aging buildings, and costly clergy preparation.  
  4. Grow the capacity of the region in relating to and ministering with the next generation of leaders.

Interested persons should submit the following items via email to Cheryl Allocco at:

  • A brief letter of interest
  • A resume and/or ABPS profile
  • A brief 300-500 word statement of faith
  • A brief 300-500 word faith journey description


Candidates must be willing to relocate in reasonable proximity to the region office in Hamilton, New Jersey.