ABCNJ Clergy Retreat focuses on Embracing Community: Showing Love to Immigrant Families

More than twenty individuals gathered at Camp Lebanon on Saturday, February 1st for ABCNJ’s annual clergy retreat. Our theme for this year was "Embracing Community: Showing Love to Immigrant Families." Our retreat leader was Rev. Ray Schellinger, International Ministries global consultant for immigrants and refugees who serves some of the most vulnerable people in the world.

Rev. Schellinger expertly led us through the day with three presentations, each followed by engaging discussions. The first session focused on our Scriptural mandate regarding "the foreigner among you," offering a new perspective on the parable of the Good Samaritan. After lunch, Ray delivered a comprehensive review of U.S. immigration policies from 1994 to today. The day wrapped up with the group exchanging practical ideas on how we, as pastoral leaders in our communities, can assist the families of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers living among us.

Rev. Schellinger shared many poignant first-hand accounts from his years 30+ years traveling around the world to war-torn areas and places, putting a human face on the millions who have been driven from their homes. One story he shared was about an interview with a young man who was fleeing violence in his home country. When Ray asked if he had anything he wanted Americans to understand about him, he expressed his dismay at being seen as a criminal. He explained that in his home country, he was pressured to join a gang. The initiation would require him to kill a family member, and if he refused, he would be killed. So, he escaped. He said, "Please help them understand that I am not a criminal; I fled my country to avoid becoming one!"

There are many ways you and your church can support both individuals and families who are trying to navigate our complicated and largely broken immigration system. Sponsoring families is one of the best ways to help, but there are many other ways. Please visit for additional resources and information.

What participants shared:

"I was blessed to get to know more about how to navigate the present immigration issues with our community. Global Servant Ray Schellinger presentations were very informative and inspirational. The challenge for me and my church is how do we reach-out effectively when the world has come to us to share the gospel and do community ministry." - Rev. Dr. Louis Ao, Stelton Baptist Church, Edison, NJ

"During these challenging times, it was a blessing to be with church leaders who stand up for immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. Ray Schellinger's presentation was profoundly informative and provided excellent resources for churches wishing to take action. Thank you to Ray and ABCNJ for courageously standing in the gap on behalf of the stranger." - Rev. Dr. Brent Miller, First Baptist Church of Collingswood, NJ

“I always look forward to attending the clergy retreat. This year's topic. "Embracing Community: Showing Love to Immigrant Families" was very well received because it was timely and offered practical advice that we can all use in our local churches. Rev. Ray Schellinger, shared stories and resources that were valuable for everyone. I appreciated that we had similar and matching resources already uploaded to the ABCNJ website. Thank you for organizing this resourceful retreat.”   - Rev. Dr. Malachy M. Williams, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Cranford/Elizabeth