A view from the back of the room


From my vantage point in the back of the room I gain a unique perspective on the events of Annual Session, some of which I occasionally share with the group by way of the projection screens.  The process of putting Annual Session together is arduous, and most of those involved it it have little time to reflect and be amazed at what God did with our labor.  We're simply too busy making sure the event is unfolding at planned, or at least being side-tracked in a beneficial way.

This year, however, I was offered a moment where I became aware of just how amazing Annual Session really is.  I looked up from my screens, took a sip of my ever-present coffee, and saw a room completely maxed out to capacity.  I saw people in rapt attention to the proceedings.  I saw people chatting with friends and colleagues.  I saw people taking pictures of the people at their tables.  On the web I followed comments on Facebook and Twitter which highlighted the power of our time.  It was, truly, wall to wall Baptists - celebrating our shared mission.

Annual Session has become the event for ABCNJ.  It is a privilege to help put it together, and a joy to see how important it's become for the life of our region.