Baptists in the Arab World – A dinner conversation


The ABCNJ GoGlobal task force and the ABCNJ Academy are delighted to co-host a special dinner conversation with Elie Haddad on Monday, June 1st. Elie is the President of Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Beirut, Lebanon. American Baptist Missionaries, Daniel and Sarah Chetti, also serve at this school. The dinner will take place at Chesterfield Baptist Church, beginning at 6PM. The dinner is free, though reservations are required to attend. Please click/tap the button below to make your reservation on EventBrite. Reservations close May 27, don’t wait too long!

Pastors who attend will receive ABCNJ Academy credit, but attendance is not limited to pastors! Lay people are most welcome to participate in this unique and powerful event.

A free will offering will be taken that evening to offset the cost of the meal and provide an offering for the work of Arab Baptist Theological Seminary.

[button color="blue" link="" size="default" icon_before="cutlery" target="_self" block="false"]Make a reservation[/button]

Elie Haddad Biography

Born and raised in Lebanon, Elie immigrated to Canada towards the end of the civil war in Lebanon in 1990. He worked for 15 years in Toronto as a senior Information Systems & Management consultant.

During his work, Elie felt called to ministry and so enrolled in a Masters of Theological Studies (MTS) program at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto alongside his involvement with the Middle East Baptist Church in Mississauga where he served as a member of a lay pastoral team.

In 2005, Elie and his wife Mireille felt called to return to Lebanon, where - as a missionary with the Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) – Elie joined the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) serving as Provost until 2008 when he became President.

Elie, currently pursuing a PhD in missional ecclesiology at the International Baptist Theological Seminary (IBTS) in Amsterdam, has a heart for the mobilization of the Church.