Companions on the Journey


One piece of wisdom we have gained during our 28 years of missionary service is that nothing is worth more, nothing is more important, than to have companions on the journey like you, companions who give us strength and hope to carry on faithfully. We have been reflecting a lot on this during our time here in the U.S. Do you see us as “companions on the journey” with you and your church? What is a cross-cultural missionary’s role not only in their country of service but here in the US?

It breaks our hearts to see so many churches that have shrunk down to shells of their former selves, with dwindling congregations of increasingly older members often out of touch with the people in their own neighborhood.

“Who are we as God’s people? What is God calling us to do? What is the gospel?” These are key questions we raise in a workshop on ‘Mobilizing Your Church for God’s Mission’

Your church exists for the people who are not yet part of its fellowship: the unchurched and the de-churched, those people around you who think Jesus and your church are irrelevant to their lives. Today, all authentic ministry in Jesus’ name is and must be cross-cultural. The missionaries you partner with have learned to cross cultural boundaries to contextualize the good news of Jesus in order to reach the unreached in their own language and culture. Those “over there” missionaries have something to contribute “over here,” too! We need to work together to become healthy and faithful disciples of Jesus here, there and everywhere.

We praise God that you are on the journey with us as we begin our service as regional missionaries in SE Asia! Thank you for your prayer and financial support. This is the season of the World Mission Offering - your gifts toward our support and the support of all IM missionaries allows us to continue to serve as your hands and feet and mouth “over there.”