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Engaging the Soul of Your Digitally Connected Kid

The Greater Delaware Valley Association and Oaklyn Baptist Church invite you to join Jonathan Cronkhite from Homes Devoted for a day-long adventure meant to re-shape the role the home plays in faith development and growth. For many years what goes on at church has been thought to be what impacts happenings at home, but this is actually a new way of thinking. A more classic understanding of discipleship is actually the reverse. It used to be understood what goes on at home is what impacts the church. This seminar, meant for parents of any age children, will encourage participants to return to this more rich and classic understanding of discipleship.

Don't miss this great opportunity!

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[label style="info" icon="calendar"]Date[/label]

Saturday, April 25

[label style="info" icon="info"]Location[/label]

Oaklyn Baptist Church 29 East Bettlewood Avenue, Oaklyn, NJ 08107



8:30 to 9am – Registration and refreshments

9:00-10:30am – Session 1: The Ultimate Goal of Parenting

10:45am-12:15pm – Session 2: Fairy Tale or Father?

12:15-1pm – Lunch

1-2:30pm – Session 3: Parenting Techies

3-4:30pm – Session 4: Digging Deeper



Pre-Registration – $25 (register now at eventbrite)

At the Door – $30

(Partial scholarships are available, use the "Contact" tab to submit a request )



The Ultimate Goal of Parenting

Our greatest goal as parents is to help our children love a great God. So, why are the majority of children growing up in the church growing out of faith? We look at scripture and statistics, combined with 20 years of personal ministry experience, to delve into breaking this trend. You will leave inspired and equipped with simple ideas you can apply immediately to make God known in the midst of daily family life, living out Deuteronomy 6.

Fairy Tale or Father?

Children hear about the great miracles God did in the past: parting the Red Sea, Daniel in the lions’ den, Jonah swallowed by a whale, etc.. Do they see what God is doing now? Is God a fairy tale? Make believe? Something we grow up and grow out of? Learn how to encourage your child to pray and to see God answer prayer. Holding a child’s hand, in faith, as he/she approaches our heavenly Father, initiates a relationship of trust, obedience, and blessing.

Parenting Techies

If a stranger knocked on your front door hoping to find your child alone, you would notify the police and take extra precautions immediately. Yet only 19% of our children’s electronic devices are protected from such a threat. Over 50% of exposure to “bad stuff” is occurring through cell phones. The majority of our children stumble upon it accidentally AND takes place in our own homes simply because we left the front door unlocked!!!. Technology is everywhere, but many parents are not aware of the possible dangers or of how to safeguard them.

Digging Deeper

“Faith comes from hearing; hearing the word of God.” (Romans 10.17) How will our children grow in faith? By teaching them the Word. How can we have effective family devotions with our young children and teenagers? How can parents teach the Bible, when they may be new to faith themselves? This session offers practical advice that will help parents persevere through the trials of scheduling and executing one of the most important disciplines: reading the Bible together.



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