Fresh Eyes


Transforming Your Congregation for Missions

The photo at left shows the leadership team of First Baptist Church of New Market in Piscataway, NJ, at work as they complete the first stage  of the congregational missional transformation journey that they have covenanted to undertake with ABCNJ's assistance. The Rev. Dr. Victor "Ken" Cadette is the senior pastor of the church. The leadership team, after a period of disciplined discernment, felt called to look at the future ministry and mission of FBC of New Market with fresh eyes. What is God calling them to be? What is God calling them to do?

The task of God's people in a specific time and place never remains static and unchanging. As vessels of Jesus Christ's continuing presence in the world, we are called into seasons of ministry and mission appointed by God always "for a time such as this." The Holy Spirit - alive and active in the world - always discloses new duties for a new day. So to periodically pause to reflect on and clarify the vision of a church is an essential component in the spiritual journey of a congregation. Mission and ministry emanates from a clear vision.

This is why there are three pillars that undergird the regional vision of ABCNJ: we are Christ-centered, mission-focused, and loving (pastoral) in spirit. God is a missionary God, who sent an only son to save, restore and redeem the world. And so being mission-focused is the visible expression of our discipleship.

If your congregation desires to undertake a similar journey of looking into your vision and mission with fresh eyes, and in light of what God might be calling you to be and to do in the future, let us know. This is another service that your region offers. We will be delighted and privileged to walk alongside you in this exciting adventure!