The Discernment Workshop a Success at Cape Island Baptist Church


A few weeks ago Rev. Dr. Elmo Familiaran and Rev. Vernl E. Mattson traveled to the Cape Island Baptist Church in Cape May where on that Saturday morning a Discernment Workshop was presented.  This Cape May congregation is just starting their search and call process for their next pastor and the Discernment Workshop is our first step. After the training they will now build upon this experience to select their committee members. The congregation will prayerfully undergird the various stages that are now before them.  We were very pleased with the number of members who took time to attend. IMG_2068During the workshop, passages of scripture were studied revealing the call of various individuals. The process of discerning the Spirit's directives and the willingness to follow through clearly was revealed.  The challenges were also apparent in this study but God was faithful to lead those chosen to fulfill their task. This new beginning into the search and call process has assisted many a search committee in the selection process of committee members.  As the committee looks for new pastoral leadership, the spiritual gift of discernment should always be foremost in the persons serving.

When your church is at the point of looking for the next pastor or staff person, be sure to extend an invitation to your ABCNJ Associate Regional Pastor to begin this type of presentation and training.  We believe God has persons with the gift of discernment in every church.

Cape Island Baptist Church