The First Baptist Church of Beverly Welcomed Me

IMG_2147Pastor Ami Vielehr and other members of the church welcomed me this morning as I came to see their ministry in action.  What a wonderful experience it was.  This being the first Sunday of the month, it was Communion Sunday and Pastor Vielehr made an interesting announcement.  "Communion is going to be shared earlier in the service this morning so the children who believe can receive communion before going to children's church."  I was delighted this change was made so everyone was able to participate who should be sharing in this part of worship.  The sermon that followed gave spiritual food for the soul.  This small church is truly flexible in it's worship, and prayer time.  The keyboardist and minister of music, Durant D. Charleroy, the special music by Mr. Bill Fink, and audio visual presentations during worship all helped make a wonderful spiritual connection.  Following the service many of the congregation gathered in the fellowship hall for refreshments that looked more like a meal.  One delight was cupcakes made by the pastor's daughter that looked wonderful.  The congregation continues to grow and serve the needs of this community and surrounding towns.  If I remember correctly, Beverly is only one mile by one mile but has seven churches in this river front town along the Delaware River.