Pondering a VBS? Come to our open house – November 21


Help the Bible become more than stories

The Bible is central to the Christian faith. It's where we read the story of God interacting with the world, promising redemption, and conquering sin and death in the person of Jesus Christ. But the the people and attitudes we find in the Bible often seem alien to us, and when we tell the stories to others they may seem like nothing more than another set of "fairy tales." People have to learn to engage the Bible deeply if they want to embrace it's transformative truth, but how do we accomplish this?

For decades a favorite introduction has been through Vacation Bible School. These programs have the potential to bring the Bible to life for children through song, skit, craft, and celebration. When churches invest their time into one both adults and children can learn that people in "Biblical times" really were a lot like us. We also find reassurance in knowing the God who poured compassion out in times past is the same God who saves us in Jesus Christ today.

Running a successful VBS can be a daunting task, however, so ABCNJ would like to help get the ball rolling.

Registration is free, but we do need to know how many people are coming, so tap or click on the button below to register through Eventbrite today!

[button color="blue" link="http://abcnj-vbs2015.eventbrite.com" size="default" target="_self" block="false"]Register today[/button]

[raw] [tabs style="framed" nav="tabs" tab1="Special Guest" tab2="What you get" tab3="Schedule" tab4="Flyer"] [tab1]SharonStratmonABCNJ Youth Ministries is pleased to host Sharon Stratton, a 25 veteran of Children's ministries and currently on staff at Rockpoint Church in Lake Elmo, MN, as she introduces Groups VBS themes for 2015. She will also engage participants with practical exercises which will demonstrate the some of the best ways to help draw children in to the lessons.[/tab1] [tab_2]

  • Continental Breakfast
  • A VBS participant bag, containing catalogs and VBS samples.
  • The option to order a VBS package with free shipping the day of the open house.
  • Giveaways and prizes![/tab_2]


  • 8:30 AM – Registration & Breakfast
  • 9:00 AM – Opening Icebreakers
  • 9:20 AM – Core Presentation
  • 11:00 AM – VBS "Best Ideas" round-table
  • Noon – Departure


[tab_4] Click/tap on the image below to download a PDF for printing.VBS Open House Poster


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