Singing Praises for the Capital Association


On Sunday, October 20, 2013 the Captial Association of ABCNJ, led by moderator Ed DeSilva, came together for a Music Festival at the First Baptist Church of Trenton, where Liz Congdon is Pastor. The purpose of the festival was clear, come together to share music, and nothing more! Churches were invited to bring a soloist, group, choir, instrumentalist, or a poet to share with the Association. There were nine churches represented at this gathering, showcasing a wide variety of musical styles and groups. The event was a true experience of worship and was a blessing for all  who attended.

The blessings did not stop with the music. Capital Association also rallied around one of its own churches. The First Baptist Church of Trenton, host to the music festival, has recently experienced a rash of burglaries  over the past several months, starting this summer.  These robberies led to extensive damage being done to the church building, which has left many outstanding bills to pay for repairs and replacements.

The damage, however, was only to the building and not to The First Baptist Church of Trenton! The faith of the pastor and her congregation were prevelant and strong and a true witness to the greatness of God. The Capital Association had scheduled the Music Festival at FBC Trenton long before the damage was done, but felt that it was a good witness to the community to continue to hold the Festival in Trenton.

Here is the amazing news....the Capital Association took it one step further. An email was sent out throughout the Association for attendees to bring non-perishable food and clothing items to replenish the food and clothing pantry which was raided in the burglaries. Furthermore, a love gift offering was taken during the festival. The Hamilton Square Baptist Church, Pastor Teresa Ely, gave $1,000.00 to support FBC Trenton. The attendees of the music festival genreously gave $1,701, for a grand total of $2,701 to be directly given to the church to help with repairs.

The music festival was a huge success. It accomplished two great areas: 1) the association came together for music and nothing business, no vote, just music and 2) the association rallied around one of its churches in a time of need and gave sacrificially to support the ministry of FBC Trenton.

To God be the Glory!