Annual Session 2016 - what a setting!


This year's Annual Session will take place at the amazing Ocean Place Resort & Spa in Long Branch. This picturesque location is right on the beach, and offers easy access to parking and numerous shopping and dining spots.  Why not make plans with some friends and spend the evening after Annual Session enjoying the sights, tastes, and sounds of the Jersey Shore? Or why not gather your church group after session closes and spend some time relaxing together as family?

This is a locale worth spending some time to get lost in the experience!

Early Bird Deadline

The early bird deadline is August 15, so make sure to register soon. It's easy, just use the button below!

[button color="default" link="" size="default" target="_self" block="false"]Register Today[/button]


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Friday Events

This package includes all Academy Sessions, Dinner, & Bonfire

Early Bird

[label style="success"]Before August 15[/label] $70


[label style="warning"]Before September 15[/label] $80

Late Registration

[label style="danger"]After September 15 & Door[/label] $90

Retired Clergy & Spouses

[label style="success"]Before August 15[/label] FREE

Bonfire & S'mores

[label style="warning"]Individual Ticket[/label] $10 [label style="success"]10 Tickets[/label] $75 [/column] [column size="1/3"]

Saturday Only

Saturday package includes parking, pre-session breakfast, and banquet luncheon.

Early Bird

[label style="success"]Before August 15[/label] $89


[label style="warning"]Before September 15[/label] $109

Late Registration

[label style="danger"]After September 15 & Door[/label] $129


Ages 6-12 $20 [/column] [column size="1/3"]

Full Package

Includes full access to all Friday and Saturday events.

Early Bird

[label style="success"]Before August 15[/label] $149


[label style="warning"]Before September 15[/label] $169

Late Registration

[label style="danger"]After September 15 & Door[/label] $199


Ages 6-12 $25 [/column] [/raw]

Celebration Rate - Baptismal Candidates

Baptismal candidates, as well as up to four family members, can register for Saturday at a special rate. These registrations will be handled by the Region Office.

Before August 15 $69