Don't miss ABCNJ Academy at Annual Session


Authentic Evangelism from a posture of listening

How should we, as American Baptists, relate to other world religions? How we are called by God to work with people of different faiths? How can we share Jesus’ good news in a religiously pluralistic world? Come and explore these questions alongside your colleagues in ministry.

This is an event every pastor should be strongly encouraged 1 to attend!

Registration includes access to all Academy panels, dinner, and evening bonfire on the beach. Early bird registration is $70 and ends on August 15. Register today! Retired pastors and their spouses can register for free, courtesy of MMBB and ABCNJ by calling the region office at (609) 587-8700.

The Academy at Annual Session will take place on September 23, beginning at 1PM.

[button color="darkblue" link="/2016-annual-session" size="default" target="self" block="false"]Click/Tap here for more information about this event[/button]

  1. Signing up one's pastor as a gift from the congregation is highly encouraged. All attending pastors will be offered voluntary "selfie" lessons in order to confirm attendance.