[WEBINAR] Communities in Action: Church on the Move

Date: Thursday, May 26
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

The American Baptist Churches of New Jersey is launching a new initiative: “Communities in Action.” This is a collaboration between ABCNJ’s current New Church Development and Public Mission Committees. This partnership aspires to facilitate Christian leaders in navigating the present post-Christian pluralistic society, where injustice and inequity continue to pervade while supporting one another in discovering ways to respond with love and courage. These events, activities, and resources seek to inspire, empower, and support congregations and faith groups in the work towards justice and human rights to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and be peacemakers in our world.

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[Free Webinar] An Offering of Asian-American and Burmese Ministries

Thursday, April 21, 2022 | 7:00 – 8:30 pm EDT

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, communities from diverse groups have faced various social, emotional, and economic challenges. People of Asian descent, especially elderly immigrants, are afraid to use public transit for fear of attacks and have isolated themselves from socializing with friends and church members.

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Holy Week Letter from ABCNJ's Executive Minister and Senior Regional Pastor

As we enter Holy Week, we do so with hope! In the midst of the hopelessness and despair that we may have encountered and experienced, especially throughout these past two years, we are assured of the hope in us by the resurrection of Christ! Our hope is not found in our strength, goodness, or abilities but the blessed hope of Christ. "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade." 1 Peter 3:4

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Narrative Worship: Sidebar Stories

Check out two different opportunities for Narrative Worship being offered on April 22, 2022, through Sidebar Stories. First is a full-day workshop, Narrative Worship, and in the evening, Sidebar Stories is offering a professional storytelling performance, No Graven Image, at the FringeArts Theater in Philadelphia.

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“Radical. Redeemed. Ready.” Early Registration Deadline Extended

As we celebrate International Women’s Day today, we are excited to announce that the early registration deadline for “Radical. Redeemed. Ready.” has been extended until the last day of Women’s History Month, March 31, 2022. “Radical. Redeemed. Ready.,” a conference celebrating ministering women, will be held Wednesday-Saturday, June 15-18, 2022 at the Green Lake Conference Center in Green Lake, Wis.

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American Baptist Home Mission Societies’ (ABHMS) six-week certificate program “Chaplaincy Skills for Community Ministry”

Back by popular demand! A practical course in chaplaincy skills for community contexts where a ministry of nonsectarian spiritual care is needed. Learn how to offer a ministry of presence that honors ecumenical and interfaith engagement, demonstrates cultural humility, practices refined listening skills, and responds to trauma with sensitivity and accountability.

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